Blantyre Baptist Academy

Expectations, Offenses, Punishments


Our expectations of all at BBA are based on Jesus’ words in Mathew 22:37-39; (you shall; love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all you’re your soul and with your entire mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.)

The christian education that is provided at BBA is based on four pillars.

  • Submission
  • Self-worth
  • Servant-hood
  • Stewardship


Learners at BBA should be aware that the following behaviours are regarded as serious offences that could immediately result in disciplinary action.

  • Willful damage to school or church property
  • Possession, use, transmission or visible evidence of pornographic, satanic or abusive and offensive material of any kind
  • Possession, use, transmission or visible evidence of narcotics or unauthorized drugs, dangerous weapons, alcohol, cigarettes or intoxicants of any kind
  • Dishonesty including cheating in tests or exams.
  • Bullying, fighting, physical or verbal assault, victimization or intimidation including gender or racial harassment
  • Theft or possession of stolen property including test or examination papers prior to writing tests or examinations.
  • Immoral behaviour or profanity.
  • Insubordination or disregard of legitimate instructions/requests by those in authority.
  • Incitement to riot or cause any disruption to the educational process.
  • Visitations during normal teaching/ learning time
  • Hugging.
  • Sitting on each other’s laps
  • A boy and a girl holding hands / relationships
  • Pecking
  • Incomplete dress or incorrect uniform
  • Wearing make up or slovenly dress


Any misconduct at BBA is subjected to different degrees of punishments

Serious Offences

  • rustication
  • suspension
  • expulsion

Breach of dress code

  • A warning letter from the Principal(s) to parent and recording of incorrect dress in a register
  • Confisticating unauthorized items and these may be redeemed at the end of a term by paying a penalty fee of K1, 000. Unredeemed items will be sold.
  • Phone call to parent to come to school to correct the uniform (if they don’t come, the ward will be sent back home
  • Friday or other detention for repeated offences
  • Learners who do not wear the correct uniform on an outing day will not be permitted to go and will be punished
  • Learners who do not wear the correct sports uniform will not be permitted to play matches and will be punished

Use of cellphones

Cell phones that are discovered during the official academic school time or in the hostels will be confisticated and a fine of K5,000.00 will have to be paid for it to be handed back to parents. In addition, the student that is found with a phone will be punished.